Friday, June 3, 2011


Dear Little Baby,

"Little Baby" is what your Daddy likes to call you, and it's stuck probably until you are born or aren't a little baby anymore. I love that you are growing and about 10 inches tall!!...but my belly is itching terribly (which means you're growing!). And if my belly is itching a lot then that means you are growing up way too fast for me, your Mommy, to handle. So grow at night when I'm asleep and won't notice the itching.

Another itch I have that I can't scratch is wanting to peak and see you earlier then Wednesday! I can't wait until June 8, 2011 at 12:30. Your Daddy and I get to meet you via ultrasound at Sonocare in Tyler! There we will see your precious face and see wither you are a boy or a girl! I think you are a girl because of a dream I had. I had a dream about you that we were having an ultrasound done and there on the screen were little baby girl parts, and according to the wives tale it holds 75% true that that is what you are, we will find out though if you are the 75% or the 25%.

We love you very much Little Baby, and you are a very good kicker/puncher.


Monday, May 2, 2011


Dearest Child,

You are gestationaly 16 weeks old. You are about 4.5 inches long from your sweet little head to your tiny little tushy. You weigh a whole 3.5 ounces. Your Daddy and I think you are so big and growing up way too fast already. You have eyebrows and eyelashes to bat at your Daddy if you're a girl to get whatever you want from him. You have all the parts in your ear to hear the people that love you. You have toenails now on you're cute little toes that you should know will get tickled all the time. You can sense light. You have taste buds to taste yummy food once you arrive. There is a Primary song called "Hinges" and if you could sing that song you'd be able to do all the motions. You can suck your thumb if you want to. Your strong little heart is beating 25 quarts of blood a day.

You are amazing little one. We can't wait to find out if you will be our Daughter or our Son.

I love you so so much already.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Countdown Begins

Dearest Child,

Words can not describe they way I felt yesterday when your Father walked into our bedroom with that little test with a smile on his face. I knew in my heart you were growing rapidly inside me and I did not need that test to tell me you were there. My eyes filled with tears and my heart overflowed with joy.

I looked at cribs for you today. I may have even found the wonderful woman that will help deliver you into this world.

You are only the size of a poppy seed; I am very excited to watch the outside effects of your growth inside. I can't wait to buy you the things you will need. From your little tiny socks that I will loose and then you will always be caught in miss-match like me to your bassinet where you will spend the first couple months of your life once you arrive in our arms.

I ate lunch with your Uncle Porter today because it is his 11th birthday and I realized in 10 years you will be as big as he is doing the things he does. As Porter and I started eating lunch I watched as one of the other kids pulled the fire alarm. Please don't be like that.

You have already brought me such joy and I know more joy is yet to come as we start this countdown until your arrival.


Thursday, January 6, 2011

your things

Dearest Children,
I thought of your things today as if I was making a list of things your Daddy and I need to get before your arrival. I thought of your bassinet where you will sleep next to our bed. I thought of your crib that when you will still be small yet big enough to sleep in your own room you will lay. I thought of your bedding and how soft it was I could almost feel it. I thought of your little shoes, little socks, little diapers little everything. I thought of your little sounds and it was music to my ears. I thought of your smell and I was reminded of your sweet baby smell when I had my head resting by Daddy's wrist and it smelt just like you after a nice warm bath.

I love you dearest children and cannot wait to fill my life with your little things.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My Wish is You.

Dearest Children,

Your Daddy and I hope one of you comes soon. We have picked your names. Kristen Elizabeth, Josie Kim, Rocky Joseph, and Victor Amulek. I cannot wait till the day you are in my arms and I get to cuddle you and give you sweet butterfly kisses. Your Daddy and I have prayed for you and have wanted for you to come for a long time, but we know that you will come when you are ready to come.

My wish is you. And for you I wish when you come you will have 10 cute little fingers, and 10 cute little toes. I wish you will smile and be a happy baby. I wish for you to be active when you come in my tummy and in our arms. I wish that you will love everyone unconditionally and will always be as forgiving as a little child, and your Daddy. I wish for you to laugh and play. I wish for you to make messes and drive us up the wall but then after we find you at the end of your mess it's all because you drew me a picture. I wish for you to be creative and have a big imagination. I wish for you to tell me stories, like your Uncle Porter told me when he was little. I wish for you that we are everything you want in a parent.

I love you Children of mine, and can't wait till one of you decides to surprise us one day. I can only imagine the joy you will bring when we see 2 little pink lines or a "pregnant".

Until that day, I love you.

Your Mommy.